Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know. That was last week, but give me a break...I'm still mad that the vacation didn't last a whole month! I can't complain, because I have the best 9-month-out-of-the-year job, in the world! Sometimes, I feel like I'm trained well for something in the security profession though.

Anyways, I would have written more this weekend, but I got to play tour guide for another visitor (and this one cooked for me and bought me presents...keep that in mind if any of you want to visit...just kidding!) No one cooks like a mom, and my mom even flew across the country to cook for me. Its a good feeling to be gluttonous and lazy every once in a while...if only that could be my profession. I feel like my tour guide skills are improving and I tried to fight my laziness, with my mom waking me up early on my vacation, but I understand its a waste of daylight when you're in a city with so many things to see.

We made it to several pretty cool places, and a few new activities I had not done, like seeing a few memorials at night that make things kinda eerie and somber (until tourist-teenagers come screaming up the Lincoln steps with their cell phone cameras flipping around!) We went to the National Cathedral, and I even got my mom to ride the Metro without getting lost or mugged (just kidding...you'll only get jumped in the hallways of my school!) Mom even made her way to my school to distract my students from working and telling them embarrassing stories about her son (thanks again for that...a mother's favorite past-time!) I think the half attempted Thanksgiving traditions even made it, with a sappy movie and a delicious pumpkin pie, and the oddities made it good too. With a roommate and the music teacher from our school to round out the Thanksgiving dinner party, it turned out to be a great holiday, and a great weekend.

I keep forgetting that I need to have a social life, and when people come to visit, that helps to remind me. So, thanks mom! And, I'll be on the west coast again in a few weeks for the next much-needed break from grading papers...speaking of playing catch up...I hear coffee calling my name. Look for posts coming soon about: little known DC facts, dramatic accounts of Mr. Milliron's teaching adventures, and another family visit! Thanks for reading to the end...and now for the payoff!