Friday, March 13, 2009

Coffee FAIL

Can you guess what the most popular comment of the day was?:

A.) Mr. Milliron, your stylish new multi-colored shirt goes well with your shoes.
B.) Mr. Milliron, is your belly-button leaking?
C.) Mr. Milliron, did you spill coffee on yourself this morning?

Although many of you would assume that my student would be concerned for my clumsiness and choose C (classic test taking mistake)...

The correct answer is mystery choice D:

"Hey, Mr. Milliron got cat piss on hisself!"

(Makana...your comment is so appropriately timed!)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Because its March...and I'm going mad...

(Subtitled: Because soon, I will post nothing but my feelings on college basketball!)

So, I've found a few things that have made me laugh recently. Since this hasn't happened much, in the immortal words of Kent McDonald: "Bro, I need to laugh!"

We'll start with the cheap laughs, and move onto some seriously threatening video footage (seriously, they are the No. 1 threat to America).

Alright, no one wants nightmares, so dream sweetly that you are not this guy (p.s. I was at a less ghetto Starbucks that very evening).

For the philosophers in the crowd (wondering if trees falling actually made the dinosaurs die off because of all the sound-less destruction) this will blow your mind!

And back to reality...the reality is...if this doesn't make a comeback on SNL this week...I'll protest!

Finally, since I'll soon be watching so much basketball from the couch (and I'm not sure whether it will be 75 degrees or snowing for Spring Break) I should probably be prepared (and no...its not a Snuggie!)

I hope I haven't lost any readers with this mindless post...but to be honest...until Spring Break...I'm feeling pretty mindless!