So, I feel I've been rather negative lately. Maybe that's because I have to find a new school at which to work...but I promised myself I'd be positive in this post. So, I have three things to mention that might let some folks in on the highlights of my life.
#1: First, something you probably already knew: homebrewing. But I thought I'd share this:
Yeah, a National Day for something I've done twice. This was a total whim, and I went to a homebrew store, and actually had the guts to share my beer with some other veterans. It was pretty fun, and I may even join one of their clubs (don't worry, its not a cult)
#2: Kickball: Yeah, I joined a social sports team. And I didn't get picked last, but met a few cool people and enjoy breaking up the week with a bit of kickball down the street from the White House.
...and for the sake of getting some sleep, #3: I'm not going to say anything but: "GO SEE THIS MOVIE!"
Click this link for the trailer (and keep clicking other videos if you want to feel good)
Click here to see if you can see it in your area (drive miles to see it...its worth it!)
...and if you want to just feel good for an hour or two, GO SEE THIS MOVIE!
Alright, I feel pretty good. I'll try this again later...did I mention I'm coming back to the West Coast in July? That's good, I'm on a roll!