Now, I probably got what I deserved when the girl who sits in the back asked me a penis question. That was also my fault, being that I tried to use the "4 out of 5 dentists prefer Trident" commercial as an example in my lesson. But it's memorable...the squirrel jumps up and bites the
5th dentist in the "nads" as she smartly pointed out. Oops again. I'll get this right one day.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
You know you're a sick human being when... enjoy the sight of a teary-eyed child entering your classroom. I have to say this is an especially annoying, spastic child. Nontheless, he was crying, and I might have had something to do with it. I ratted him out to his mom, for skipping my class twice in one week...oops! His mom showed up to school to chew him out. Way to go mom!