So, if you didn't get it from my last is throwing curveballs at me. I should have seen this one coming though. Why not, though, right? I mean with the district test coming up, and students needing EVERY last moment to learn in the classroom, I should have assumed that my services would've been required in the gymnasium during our testing "pep assembly".
Yes. You heard me. Now, its one thing to have an assembly (one of about three on the whole year), and its another thing to call out all your teachers to do the "Stanky Legg" in front of the student body. Now, we all promptly refused...except for a few sad souls...but I most definitely blame my principal for this idiotic idea.
I try not to be so publicly negative, but this can't go unnoticed. For one, I had no idea how to appropriately perform the dance maneuver (though it is widely known, that I can perform other dance moves with great precision). Secondly, if I knew it, I certainly wouldn't share it with 12-year-olds. And finally, I'm sure that I didn't see it properly executed by any teachers. So, here it its finest form...the exact maneuver with which my principal wished to bring ridicule and embarassment on his staff. All of us.
Its nice to be appreciated by your boss.