I know the implications of this post are not safe or ethical to admit publicly, but I'm so glad I have a civic obligation to possibly serve on a jury. I thought Memorial Day would help push me to the end of the year with a bit of good sister-visitation time, but apparently this stress isn't going to let up. Mandatory government day off, for the win.
The best part is, that missing tomorrow means, that there are only one and a half Mondays left in the school year (don't even get me started on the half-day-last-day on a Monday). And next Monday is Six Flags Episode Two: Revenge of the Phone Stealers. I just have to give them some horrible test and make sure that they retained some information from this year. Maybe I'll write them a ridiculous test while waiting for jury selections tomorrow. Or maybe I'll just blog (not tweet) and contemplate deleting my Facebook account. Wish me luck!