I'm a little bit more distressed by the fight today, but i'll be honest: it doesn't get easier. Today's incident happened before 6th period instead of while i was teaching but now i have 4 boys in that same class who have beef with each other and two of them have made each other bleed. I'm not sure what the administration thinks of me but they sure won't tell me...and i guarantee they don't have new teacher training for this. I wish i could get these kids figured out before they come back in my class because we might have some math happening soon. It is interesting the advice i get from some teachers about covering my a%§ and as helpful as that is...i'm not the one who needs help. I have no desire to be a counselor but i am feeling a little out of the loop from admin and that is sad. I'm glad today is over and we have things to look forward to tomorrow but if i go 4 for 4 on breaking
up fights this week i may just have to beef up and watch some more pro wrestling shows.