Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Day 4: Ashland to Almost Gretna

Let us join the play by play of today’s game, already in progress . . .

11:45: We’re passing yet another cornfield . . . .

11:46: Coming up on a sign that points us to the Nebraska National Guard Camp . . .

11:47: Railroad tracks on the left . . .

11:47: Willow Park Park (that can't possibly be right, can it?) on the right . . .

11:48: Crossing the Platte River . . .

11:49: Oooh! The Linoma Beach RV Park complete with an almost full-sized lighthouse out front.

11:52: Breaking News: We’re now going 25 miles an hour!

11:54: More cornfields on the right.

11:55: Aww crap. Back down to a full stop.

11:57: Nice looking thistle with a few purple flowers

Noon: Back up to 15 miles per hour. Oh, wait. False alarm.

12:03: Jake tells me he’s going to get an apartment that doesn’t allow pets and get a “Beware of Dog” sign to put out front.

12:04: Elizabeth called to update us on her search for a hotel in D.C. for Jake and I to stay in while we’re there. (Which, again, should be sometime in 2013.)

12:06: Climbing a small hill. This is only significant because Nebraska is totally flat. (Parenthetical remark removed at the request of Jake Milliron.)

12:07: Passed a truck with the name Business Tech on the side. More interestingly, their slogan is (and I am NOT making this up): “Erection Specialist.”

12:09: KOA Kampground on the right. They apparently sell propane there. Just in case you need to know that.

12:10: Big honkin’ cornfields on the right AND left.

12:11: Two miles to Gretna. But they're waving us off in the opposite direction. The good news is that it appears we’re headed back to I-80.

12:15: After an hour – and an approximate 12 mile detour, we are now back on I-80 and up to our standard 75+ miles per hour.

We now return you to regular programming . . .