Sunday, August 5, 2007

Maybe I should pack a few things first...

...but I think sleep is more important. At least we have a route (even though it will probably change). I am pretty frickin' excited, and I 'm hoping and praying that I don't break down and beg my Dad to turn around once we hit Kansas (I think that is the no turning back point...even though we aren't even driving through Kansas). But I know a lot of you out there were praying that I wouldn't get a job far away, so I hope you aren't mad at God. I really won't know what I'm getting myself into until I'm there...or at least out of Bend.

Anyways, there is no way that I will get sick of my Dad on this road trip, but if you want to interrupt our bonding time I'm sure there are a few of you out there who I forgot to call. So, this is the offer: I'll be enthralled by the road in front, my Dad to the side and the music if you feeling changing all that with a phone call I would love to pick up. We'll be blogging as much as we can, and I'll check email too. We'd love requests or suggestions for places you know we should stop along this route. This won't be anything like "Road Trip" or "Feasting on Asphalt" actually it will probably be more like "Dumb and Dumber" because lets face it...most of this will only be entertaining to my Dad and I. But, I'm glad that I have my Dad with me, it will be the road trip of a lifetime. I just hope you all find something good about this blog, or else we'll just entertain ourselves!

Here's our final destination, Hine Jr. High School you can search for stuff on it, and I'll tell you more along the way. As soon as I have a place to live you'll all be the first to know! Hope you enjoy our trip!